
We did a little shopping the next morning, KL did a little blogging, and then we explored.  Westport isn’t a large place.  We found somewhere to grab lunch on the outskirts.

St. Patrick, the mountain.  As much as I’d love to get to the top of that, we did not prepare.  It’s not a simple hike, and we didn’t have the time.  One of these days I’ll be back and I’ll climb that one too.  There’s a little church up there from what I understand.

Low tide around this area.


I think we’re all kind of dragging right now.  KL headed back to the interior of Westport while RHL and I found a nice little path to take us back to town.





I’m definitely feeling lazy with the camera today.  The walk was very pleasant and I probably could have taken more pictures.  Once we made it back to the hotel, we napped, then met for dinner at the hotel’s restaurant.

Afterward, it was time to head out to a famous bar called Matt Molloy’s.  The owner is one of the Chieftains and apparently they play in there every so often.  It was beautiful, packed, had a large set of musicians, and was every bit the image of an Irish pub.  We had a hell of a night.  The bartender was amazing, the company entertaining.  We met some folks and it became a bit of a friendly competition to see who could buy rounds the fastest.  At some point, I was working on one glass of Jameson while someone was asking me what I do for a living.  Before I could answer, I was given another glass of Jameson…and proceeded to tell them alcohol addiction reasearch, while double fisting.  Needless to say, they didn’t believe me, but I eventually convinced them.

I’m going to be super lazy and link to KL’s entry for the night – he did a far better job of documenting it than I did and I will be forever grateful to him and RHL for the picks and getting to spend the evening with them.  And for saving me from Spike.

The best night in Ireland!

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